Will it be as easy as ABC? No guarantee! So, we need our Udorami community to join us in the push to get the Udorami app in the Apple store for easier use. The service that means ” no regrets and no returns” in gifting has made the first step toward a full app integration. You asked, and we listened, but now we need YOUR help.
The world of iOS apps can be brutal to the naive, so we are taking no chances on getting bad reviews because someone is looking for an app rather than our service supported by an app. Similar to AirBnb, we developed a service first, democratizing registries online. A service involving people and further action, though, as gifts are exchanged. Then, we brought it to K-12 education to help teachers keep classrooms resource rich (and stop digging into their own pockets to the tune of $500/year). The app will simply allow easier mobile use and of course, expose Udorami to a larger community. Here’s how it will work:
A. Apply for invitation to TestFlight 
B. Be on the lookout for an invitation to install TestFlight on your iOS device.
It will be your door to the Udorami app while under construction. We estimate a three-month build before launch.
C. Comment!!
Both, during the build as we strive for perfection, and, once approved.