Udorami GO!

These young men are not off to collect Pokemon characters or battle in a virtual gym, but to play YOUR game of….YARD WORK! They will get fresh air, exercise, and a little spending money while you get a nicer yard. I don’t know about you, but that sounds wonderful! For more read my blog post, but go ahead and look at the list below for ideas on how to gamify work.

Wood moved and stacked
Wood to West side, stacked. . 3 piles
Fruit trees mulched
Six trees with soaked leaves
Bark mulch
Light layer just over leaves.
Trim and move wood
Lumber to house side just inside gate. Move hoses and nearly stack. -Cut thorny bush back of bench. Cut into small pieces and place in trash if room!
Move wood from out front
Dead branches to back of lot. Lumber to house side just inside gate. Move hoses and nearly stack.
Trim bush out front
The one in lower parking area. Get rid of bush to within 6". Cut into small pieces and put in trashcan
Start cabinet assembly
Read instructions. Will it be better to assemble out near location of final placing?
Table moved
Move to the left as far along wall as possible.

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June 22, 2017