Udorami GO!

Udorami GO!

These young men are not off to collect Pokemon characters or battle in a virtual gym, but to play YOUR game of….YARD WORK! They will get fresh air, exercise, and a little spending money while you get a nicer yard. I don’t know about you, but that sounds wonderful! For more read my blog post, but go ahead and look at the list below for ideas on how to gamify work.

Wood moved and stacked
Wood to West side, stacked. . 3 piles
Fruit trees mulched
Six trees with soaked leaves
Bark mulch
Light layer just over leaves.
Trim and move wood
Lumber to house side just inside gate. Move hoses and nearly stack. -Cut thorny bush back of bench. Cut into small pieces and place in trash if room!
Move wood from out front
Dead branches to back of lot. Lumber to house side just inside gate. Move hoses and nearly stack.
Trim bush out front
The one in lower parking area. Get rid of bush to within 6". Cut into small pieces and put in trashcan
Start cabinet assembly
Read instructions. Will it be better to assemble out near location of final placing?
Table moved
Move to the left as far along wall as possible.
Science Project – Plant Mobile

Science Project – Plant Mobile

We all know kids get antsy after spring break. They are paying attention to you like squirrels at a rave because summer is next. But your job is to educate…so it’s time to get creative. Enter: The Indoor Classroom Garden or Sky Garden! Copy and share the list here. Add me as a friend for more templates. Caution: You may like it so much you’ll hang a garden in your own space.

by Teacher Udorami
Science Project - Plant Mobile Supplies
An easy purchase away. Go to this list, copy it, for yourself or share it with the parents for easy donations. Adjust the quantities for your classroom.
1. Cut bottle
Have the students cut their recycled bottles 2/3 of the way down from the top— the part with the cap of the bottle will be the new planter. Feel free to use the bottoms of the bottles for additional planters, or send them to the recycling bin.
2. Punch holes
Hole punch four holes around the tops of the planters. This is where the string will tie to the planter for hanging, so make them as evenly spaced as possible.
3. Tempera Paint (opt)
Painting the bottle adds another layer of complexity, but it sure is fun! The root system also likes the dark, and if you leave a band at the bottom (near lid) unpainted you can also check for watering needs,
4. Fill with gravel
Begin planting! Fill one-third of the planter with loose, clean, gravel or small rocks. This will allow for plenty of room for drainage in case of overwatering.
5. Add some soil, then plant
Add potting soil to the top of the gravel. Leave enough room for the starter plant to fit comfortably. OR if planting succulents (highly recommended to cut down on watering needs), a half/half mix of potting soil and sand. THEN add plant
6. Add final soil
Add starter plant of student choice, and pack in sides and top with remaining soil.
7. Tie string
Have the students pick a partner to help tie hanging string to their planters.
8. Hang planters!
Use various size bottles so students can plant succulents and/or herbs. The small bottles are great for sprouting bean seeds. Easy for younger students to cut and fill. Mid and large bottles could be used to grow a lettuce or celery stalk that was going to be thrown away or to grow garlic or green onions. Look further in this list for a link.
Hanging ideas
Plants can be hung on a suspended discarded shower rod by placing the ends on blocks. The planters can easily and quickly be moved in the classroom. They could also be placed at eye level so students could measure and make observations with ease. OR, as in this picture - hung on exposed water pipes in an older building.
Things to Cook – a Graduate Student’s Challenge

Things to Cook – a Graduate Student’s Challenge

I enjoy cooking, but have to balance an intense graduate school life and a miniscule kitchen. See my working list. In the photo above, we are showing off to Mom and treating HER to a holiday meal!  I’m the one without the mask.  by Paul C.   

Crispy Baked Peanut Tofu | Minimalist Baker Recipes
CSAs are fantastic, particularly when cauliflower comes your way, as well as bok choy. And you happen to love experimenting.
ChefSteps Tips & Tricks: Fizzy Fruit
Impress my friends, or make for thanksgiving!
Chef John's Ricotta Pie Recipe
Like a cannoli, minus the frying. Make and share.
Sauerkraut in a Mason Jar
I believe I'm getting cabbage in a couple days, so I'd like to make this
Recipe: Red Lentil Soup — Weeknight Dinner Recipes from The Kitchn
Winter is coming! Also, I have red lentils that I've been meaning to use.
Easy Vegan Miso Risotto
I'm vegetarian, and although my relationship with cheese is sometimes lovely (I love me some cheddar), good parmesan is by definition not vegetarian (let alone vegan), and I really like miso. And risotto.
Fresh Creamy Cilantro Lime Chicken • Bless Her Heart Y'all
Kinda like my typical fajitas, but with cream. Well, coconut cream might work.
Harissa Lentil Quinoa Meatballs [Vegan]
This looks fun! Just need to track down a food processor...
Soup Dumplings (Xiao Long Bao)
Definitely not vegetarian. I'd like to try this with my family, and then maybe alter them to be fish-based? I dunno. I've always wanted to make this, so maybe a special occasion (like thanksgiving/Christmas) won't hurt.
{Slow Cooker} Mexican Quinoa
If I ever get squash...

Five Love Languages

Five Love Languages

Just a refresher! Sometimes we think we’re saying “I love you,” but it’s not being heard as such. We’re taking an informal survey of our members’ love language so mark which one describes you best on our love language list.  Please read below:    by Athena Chris

Encouraging words (Words of Affirmation)
High on the list are words of encouragement, praise, or appreciation of a job well done. None of these languages are gender specific, but most males seem to really dig being told you are proud of their work and efforts. If praise does not come easily to you start a list of aspects you appreciate. Be specific. Then make sure to give them at least one verbal compliment a day…IF that is their love language.
Time Together (Quality Time)
Complaints that “we don’t spend time with each other,” or “you’re never around” shout out “quality time” as the love language. Sitting in the same room passively watching a movie or sitting in silence at a restaurant may or may not win any brownie points. Soo...make a list of mentioned events, places to go, and things to do...on Udorami.
Shower of Gifts (Recieving GIfts)
Gifting can be highly cultural, and personal, so do your research. Gifting for special occasions is expected, but someone whose love language involves showers of presents loves surprise gifts, big and small. If you love someone who gushes at even the tiniest trinket have them make a Udorami wish list. so you can bring them the perfect gift EVERY time. If you are that person, don't be afraid to keep a list and make it available to friends and family. They will want to speak of their love to you. It may be the thought that counts, but you will think better of them and yourself if those gifts are what you like.
Those Little Things You Do (Acts of Service)
That honey-do list may be more than a list of chores. It may well be a way of asking for or giving love. Okay, sure... there are some chores that have to be done, or else the place will resemble a post-Apocalyptic chaos, but how it is done, and the attitude determines whether you are speaking Love. When you perform a service out of fear it is because you are a slave. If it is done for a reward, then you are an employee. If it is done, however, with no thought for yourself, but purely for another, then it is Love.
Affectionate touches (Physical Touch)
Again there are some cultural and familial attitudes, but it is a scientific fact that loving touch is an emotional need. A thirty second, full-frontal hug from your spouse is AMAZINGLY connective. Ask any parents of a teenager what they miss most, and they’ll probably tell you it’s those little unexpected hugs they used to get. Scientifically, hugging induces oxytocin, the “bonding hormone,” that’s renowned for reducing stress, lowering cortisol levels and increasing a sense of trust and security.

Wine-making in Progress

Wine-making in Progress

I love to use wine in my cooking and we had soooo many grapes! This is a list “in-progress” until at least October 2016.  by Athena Chris

Red Star Pasteur Red Dry Yeast
They were very helpful answering questions and getting back to me! In store visit and purchase
Secondary fermentation with airlock
Specific gravity reached 1.03. We strained the juice into the other bucket and fastened clean loud and airlock with purified water. Now we wait three weeks to check again. Desired S.G. is 1.000
Testing the sugar level
Before secondary fermentation, the hydrometer needs to read 1.03.
Your First Wine from Fresh Grapes
I had a book, but it's always nice to have other sources for comparison.
Primary fermentation
S.G.=1.093 without sugar. Acidity reading 3.6. 7" of must and juice. We had 13lb of destemmed and 2lb of frozen then strictly juiced grapes. Yeast added 12 hrs later. One crushed Camden tablet. And a handful of water soaked oak chips. We probably added the chips in the wrong step, but too late now! Daily stirring and S.G. check until 1.03
Crushing the grapes
No stomping this time! We borrowed this juicer from Zdenka. We added the pulp back into the strained juice.
Weighing and destemming
Red grapes ferment with the skins but the stems will make it bitter. These were a bit difficult and took hours to strip off! 14+ without stems.
Picking the grapes
Over the course of a week we picked over 15 lb of our red grapes. We brought the first batch to church to share with our Church community.