Eagles in the Sky!

Eagles in the Sky!

Recently, I asked a teacher friend to take a look at what we were doing at Eldorado HS and their donation registries. Helen P. is a  retired APS teacher from John Baker, a feeder school to Eldorado HS. She was thrilled and wished she’d had this App when she was in the classroom. She wrote me, “As a teacher of 35 years, I would like to thank every person that helps facilitate the learning of a classroom. High school teachers see 150 plus students a day and need to plan for every possible need of all of their students. Sometimes the resources of school funding cannot meet those needs. So we ask for help and try to provide as much as we can from our own resources. Paper, markers, poster boards and other materials are basic needs.  But sometimes we need to provide special Continue reading “Eagles in the Sky!” »

Garden in the Sky

Garden in the Sky

Summer is coming! As I am writing this post, I am wiggling my toes to keep the blood flowing because I am stubborn and refuse to put on real shoes. It’s flip flop season, d*****t!  Even if you have come across this post late in the year (LOL at you thinking I’m a total nut-case for wearing flip flops if you’re reading this in December…it’s March in New Mexico, I’m not that crazy, I promise!) save this list and add these items to your class list ASAP…It will ensure that you are prepared for the opportunity when it comes.
We all know kids get antsy after spring break. They are paying attention to you like squirrels at a Continue reading “Garden in the Sky” »