Let’s Umi it!

Let’s Umi it!

What if that’s all you had to tell someone to be able to get what you need or want? I’ve always struggled to describe the service Udorami provides and so I decided to create a new verb. We’re familiar with that phenomenon these days…”Tweet it!  ‘Google it”  Well, now you have “Umi it!” Continue reading “Let’s Umi it!” »

Semi Empty Nester

Semi Empty Nester

You’ve been there from the beginning, cared for them through potty training (I dreaded it all three times), cried on their first day at school (until you cried on their first day of summer break instead), and listened daily to the little things happening in their day-to-day life. All in preparation for this grand migration of teenagers around the country. Yes, I’m talking about COLLEGE. I’m on my third one and each time it’s like losing a part of myself. Hey, hello there! they WERE a part of me at one time. The Japanese say that the rebellion of teenagers is to help parents let go. I don’t think mine rebelled enough.

In a week, I’m taking my third son for his second year and the only reason (so he says) I get to drive with him, Continue reading “Semi Empty Nester” »

Mother’s Day Treasures

Mother’s Day Treasures

It snuck up on us this year. We’ve been so focused on schools and getting supplies for classrooms we almost missed an opportunity to remind you that Mom was your FIRST teacher. Here’s a list with heartfelt treasures gathered by Chrisula. She says,  “Mother’s Day is a time to celebrate the special women that helped make “Life “ possible for us. It is a time to honor the Ladies that raise and nurture us and guide us to fulfillment. Show them how much you treasure them by spending time with them. Take a walk together, make a favorite family recipe, create some art, or attend one of their favorite past times with them. This Mother’s Day List is a special one for sure. It has

Continue reading “Mother’s Day Treasures” »

Eagles in the Sky!

Eagles in the Sky!

Recently, I asked a teacher friend to take a look at what we were doing at Eldorado HS and their donation registries. Helen P. is a  retired APS teacher from John Baker, a feeder school to Eldorado HS. She was thrilled and wished she’d had this App when she was in the classroom. She wrote me, “As a teacher of 35 years, I would like to thank every person that helps facilitate the learning of a classroom. High school teachers see 150 plus students a day and need to plan for every possible need of all of their students. Sometimes the resources of school funding cannot meet those needs. So we ask for help and try to provide as much as we can from our own resources. Paper, markers, poster boards and other materials are basic needs.  But sometimes we need to provide special Continue reading “Eagles in the Sky!” »

Mothering – A Forever Joy!

Mothering – A Forever Joy!

I enjoyed the fourteen years my mother and I combined households. I tried to love and honor her every day. I wish my sons could give me their love every day. But distance and growing up are in the way right now. Their smiling faces in the DoubleTakes (see photo above) I got at Christmas, though, do help. I smile back at my sons every day I see those photos on my wall. In fact, I chuckle every time. And feel loved.

What about you? Which shouts out love more: a hug, bouquet of flowers, or breakfast in bed? Back in November I discussed the five love languages and most people, me included, thought it related only to couples. In truth, love language covers all kinds of relationships- including those with mothers.

SO, LET THEM KNOW WHAT YOU LIKE!!!! My mother’s gift preferences were usually a mystery. She would always say, “Ohhh, I don’t want anything.” But at least everyone knew she loved card games and puzzling. If you had the time, and even sometimes when you didn’t, you would find yourself sitting at her table playing Five Crowns or looking for “just THAT pimage-2iece” in her latest puzzle. I’ve got you figured, Mom! Quality time is your love language.

Curator and fellow mother, Heather Brewer, says, “I love being a mom! Being with my kids, watching them grow — it’s magical. I also love that special day of the year, Mother’s Day, when magic things happen for moms. You can find her list on our blog at A Mother’s Wish. For more ideas, take a look at my Mother’s Day list. And then make you own list on Udorami.unknown-origin-woman-w-baby

So, this year we’re giving my mom a big blanket covered with smiling faces of her children, their spouses, and grandchildren. She will see us smiling at her every day. Getting, current, smiling pictures from around the globe on short notice can be a challenge. But I can almost see my mom’s smile. And isn’t that what love is all about?

Oh, I’m also sending my son to play cards and puzzle for a few days. I’ll make the trip back east later this summer. “Hey, no cheating, Mom!”

A Harmonious Holiday! Getting Everyone Involved

A Harmonious Holiday! Getting Everyone Involved

In my family, we celebrate everything with feasting. There is no event unless there is food…and lots of it. In years past, I remember shopping and cooking for days in preparation for Thanksgiving. Sometimes there would be a dessert per person.

blueberry pieThe main chefs would gather days in advance and start by making a menu. This year, though, no one was going to be around until Tuesday night and I was managing a company, not a family any more. To add more pressure, I had invited my son’s new in-laws to the first holiday the couple celebrated. Everyone was coming in from out of town and I was very nervous.

Until I made a Collaborated list!

I created a wish list named, very imaginatively, “Thanksgiving.” I checked the Collaboration box, set the circle to include my family (see below), and listed the turkey as the first item with me as chef.
As I was headed out to a dental appointment, I informed my oldest son in Illinois about the list. He promptly included his new wife in Nebraska and brother in Ohio in a conversation. I added one more item being brought by a guest and her sons…lasagne. By the time I arrived at the dentist 20 minutes later, the list was almost complete, including assignments. We had sixteen items, enough for one item per person including our cat. And my nervousness gave way to anticipation and excitement.thanksgiving list

I would be lying if I said everything went off without a hitch, but just having that involvement and sense of togetherness went a long way to offset the cat using the laundry chute as his escape route (in-laws allergic), starting the turkey an hour later than planned,

Not done yet!

Not done yet!

and the absence of fresh rolls.

So there’s another idea for using Udorami lists. It’s already a big help in syncing my life and harmonizing my relationships.

It’s not  just a personal registry. How would you use Udorami? Tell us, please.

I still have the ingredients for the rolls, though. Maybe I’ll make them for Christmas….at the in-laws.